"Imperios do Divino Espirito Santo" (IDES), Azores Islands, Portugal.

"Belgium Castles Award" (BCA), Belgium.

"Castles And Stately Homes On The Air" (CASHOTA), Great Britain.

"Castles And Stately Homes On The Air - Ireland" (CASHOTA-EI), Ireland.

"Castles And Stately Homes On The Air - Northern Ireland" (CASHOTA- NI), Northern Ireland, Great Britain.

"Czech Castles Award" (CCA), Czech Republic.

"Castles On The Air Team – Croatia" (COTA-9A), Croatia.

"Castles On The Air Team – Germany" (COTA-DL), Germany.

"Castles On The Air - Netherland" (COTA-NL), Netherlands.

"Castles on the Air - Russia" (COTA-RU), Russia.

" Castles on the Air - Kazakhstan" (COTA-UN), Kazakhstan.

"Castles on the Air - Latvia" (COTA-YL), Latvia.

"Castles and Palaces of Belarus Award" (CPBA), Belarus.

"Diploma Castillos de Catalunya" (DCC), Spain.

"Diplome Castillos de Espana" (DCE), Spain.

"Diplome Castillos de Espana 1.0 " (DCE 1.0), Spain.

"Diplome des Forts et Chateaux de France" (DFCF), France.
"Castles and Fortresses of Portugal" (DCFP), Portugal. 
"Diploma Dei Castelli d’Italia" (DCI), Italy.

"Le Diplome des Chateaux Suisse" (DCS-SSD), Switzerland.

"Diplome des Chateaux de la Suisse-Romande" (DCSR), Switzerland.

"Diploma Monumentos Historicos Portugueses" (DMHP), Portugal.

"Hungarian Castles Series" (HCS) , Hungary.

"Romanian Historical Objectives" (RHO), Romania.

"Slovakia Castles Award" (SCA), Slovakia.

"Slovenia World Castles Award" (S5 WCA), Slovenia

"Ukraine Castles and Fortress Awards" (UCFA), Ukraine.

"Zamki w Polsce" (ZWP), Poland.
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